Sara Getzoff from Plainview, New York is celebrating her Bat Mitzvah on November 26, 2011 at the Plainview Jewish Center.
For her Mitzvah Project, Sara presented teddy bears to Hugs Across America. This organization was honored by the Nassau Region of Hadassah which Sara and her mom are part of.
Hugs Across America is a national organization that distributes teddy bears to young children that are facing hard times. The organization started after the attacks of 9/11.
Hugs Across America Inc., has provided over 410,000 teddy bears to victims in traumatic circumstances such as house fires, natural disasters and medical emergencies.
We got the chance to speak with Sara to learn more:
MM: Why did you decide to take on this particular project?
SG: I am a 4th generation life member of Hadassah.
Sara giving Hugs Across America Executive Director Sue Lucarelli a Teddy Bear
MM: Why did you decide that Hugs Across America would be the beneficiary of your Mitzvah Project?
SG: This charity was honored by the Nassau Region of Hadassah for their work . They donate the teddy bears to young children who face a crisis.
MM: In your own words, what does it mean to you to do a Mitzvah Project for your Bat Mitzvah?
SG: A Mitzvah Project is a way to give back.
MM: Can you give us details of your Mitzvah Project?
SG: I collected money from recycled water bottles and from my savings. I then bought and presented teddy bears to this organization when they were being honored at the Nassau Region Hadassah meeting. They were very touched.
MM: For how long can people donate to this charity?
SG: It is an on going project and they have local chapters.
We want to thank Sara for sharing her project with our readers.