Henry Greene from Armonk, New York celebrated his Bar Mitzvah in November, 2014. His Mitzvah Project was called, Enriching Lives Through Camp and benefited SCOPE (Summer Camp Opportunities Promote Education).
We wanted to share his Mitzvah Project idea with our readers:
MM: Can you give us details of your Mitzvah Project?
HG: So many of my friends are lucky to go to summer camp and I know they all have camp clothes they can’t wear anymore. My Mitzvah Project was an easy way for them to donate those clothes and feel good about helping a kid go to camp. I collected gently used, outgrown logo’ed camp clothes at a local ice cream shop in my town. I then sold these items via Camp Clothesline and donated 50% of the profits to SCOPE.
MM: In your own words, what does it mean to you to do a Mitzvah Project for your Bar Mitzvah?
HG: My mom runs a company called Camp Clothesline that takes slightly used logo’ed camp clothing and resells it online. I’ve seen so many clothes come in and out of our home that I thought her company could give me an opportunity to raise money for a cause I care about. I have had so much fun at Trail’s End Camp and I want all kids to be able to have the experience that I am having at camp.
MM: If it involves a donation, what are you doing to spreading the word?
HG: I posted signs in the local ice cream shop offering a free ice cream to kids who dropped off their camp clothes to sell. All kids love ice cream so i thought that would be a good motivation for more kids to donate. I also sent out emails to my entire invitation list from my Bar Mitzvah and posted flyers in my neighborhood.
MM: For how long can people donate to this charity?
HG: Anytime, just go to SCOPE’s Website.
We thank Henry for sharing this creative Mitzvah Project with our readers.