Mitzvah Project: Beyond The Last Generation | MitzvahMarket

Mitzvah Project: Beyond The Last Generation

Mitzvah Project: Beyond The Last Generation

Zach Levin from New Jersey celebrated his Bar Mitzvah on December 1, 2012 and raised an amazing $18,740 dollars for a project very close to his and his family’s heart.

Pictured L-R is Mom Randi, Bar Mitzvah boy Zach, Gallery Educator Sol Rosenkranz, Dad Chaim and Sister Amanda at the Museum of Jewish Heritage.

We asked Zach to explain. Please continue reading to learn more:

MM: What is the name of your Mitzvah Project?
ZL: My Mitzvah Project is called, “Beyond the Last Generation.” I have teamed up with the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, in New York City, to preserve the memory of the Holocaust for future generations.

MM: Can you give us details of your Mitzvah Project?
ZL: My grandfather Benjamin Levin is one of the last surviving fighting Partisans from Lithuania. He risked his life to save others and to be a witness to history. My goal was to raise 15,000 dollars for the Museum of Jewish Heritage which represents a penny for every child who perished in the Holocaust. I just had my Bar Mitzvah and announced that I have raised $18,740. This money will go toward the Gallery Education Program for the museum. The instructors are mostly Holocaust survivors, children of survivors, WWII veterans, and teachers, who are committed to educating about their heritage. We anticipate the museum to educate around 60,000 visitors a year.

MM: If it involves a donation, what are you doing to spread the word?
ZL: I have a Website at
I gave speeches at various organizations and held a jewelry fundraiser and a garage sale in the Fall.

MM: Why did you decide to take on a Mitzvah Project?
ZL: To me, becoming a Bar Mitzvah gives me the responsibility to continue his legacy and educate others about this awful event in history. Charity is very important to my family as well.

MM: Does your project have a start and end date, if so what are they?:
ZL: People can still donate to this very important cause on my Website as my project which was started in March 2012 will go through March 2013.

We thank Zach for sharing his great Mitzvah Project with our readers and wish him Mazel Tov for exceeding his incredible goal!

If your child did a past, present or future Mitzvah Project that you would like to share, please let us know at



Posted in Projects