The Segelman family from Randolph, New Jersey had a three-day celebration for their daughter Alana’s Bat Mitzvah. From the Friday night service on November 30th, to the Saturday service and Shabbat dinner on December 1st, to the reception on Sunday, December 2nd there were many wonderful traditional aspects incorporated into this modern Bat Mitzvah — we can’t wait to share them with you.
All photography was provided by Mike Leta Photography and the rest of the vendors are listed at the bottom.
Pictured above L-R: Dad David, Mom Lisa, Bat Mitzvah girl Alana, Eddie the family dog, older Sister Talia and older Brother Brett.
Both Friday night services and Saturday morning services were held at Adath Shalom in Morris Plains, New Jersey. After the Friday evening service, there was a dinner in the synagogue ballroom for family and out-of-town-guests. On the morning of December 1, 2012 Alana participated in the service with her Bar Mitzvah partner.
Alana did a magnificent job with her prayers, Torah and Haftorah readings as well as her d’var Torah
Alana’s grandfather, who is 87 years-old, illustrated the booklet for the service as he did for Alana’s siblings B’nai Mitzvahs
Alana chose a C’est Papier invitation from Ruth Dykman of Buy Invitation which had an icy blue feel.
The texture and shimmery glitter set the tone for the winter wonderland reception to come
Alana’s “Save The Date” is a picture of her made from iPhoto and was mailed out six months in advance
The Segelman family looked great as they stand at the steps of the grand staircase at Meadow Wood. Alana looks beautiful in her iridescent purple gown from Princess Charming.
Sister Talia’s dress is from Saks Fifth Avenue, Mom Lisa’s dress is Kay Unger from Nordstrom, the men’s suits from Lord & Taylor
A Touch of Elegance created the decor using flowers and balloons with a strong color palette of deep purple, turquoise and white.
Alana shows off the beautiful ballroom while her guests are at the cocktail hour
The centerpieces on the adult tables had tall silver vases with silver manzanita branches and turquoise candles and hanging crystals added warmth and elegance without the use of flowers
Artist Christina Poplawski painted a great picture of Alana and all her favorite things on the cover of a sketch book that became her sign-in book.
The personalized sign-in book was on display at the celebration. The cover includes all of Alana’s favorite things: her dog Eddie, cheerleading, InstaGram and manicures!
A look inside the book includes pictures of Alana at different stages and her invitation
Mom Lisa used overstock from her former hand-decorated picture frame business to make all the place cards unique, different and something her guests would want to take home.
She also created a beautiful collage of Alana’s favorite memories growing up
Mom Lisa and Alana pose with their handiwork–handmade place card frames for all
The food at Meadow Wood Manor was not only delicious but presented beautifully.
The Segelman family has a candle lighting tradition: they include all their guests in the last candle lit during the candle lighting ceremony. Each guest lights their own small candle from the votives on their tables.
Big brother Brett enjoying the moment with Alana. Brett has a videography business and created the montage for the party as a gift to his sister
The Segelman family enjoying their candle lighting moment
MC Brian Rosenbaum of The Entertainment Company played great music for kids and adults alike which kept everyone on the dance floor.
Alana is lifted up in the chair for the Horah
Alana enjoying herself with her friends
Catering by Karen created the beautiful turquoise cake adorned with snowflakes.
Alana pointing to her custom made cake.
Alana’s purple zip-up hooded sweatshirt favors were from Louie Max, design by Eliot Weinstein of EW
The front had her initials, tiny snowflakes and Jewish stars, along with her Bat Mitzvah date
The back confirmed her snowflake theme in a big way
We love this idea that Alana had for her thank you cards. She included photos of each guest in their individual thank-you note-a very special personal touch!
The Bat Mitzvah girl spray-mounted photos to the inside of the card so each guest received a photo of themselves at the celebration!
A special moment for the Segelman Family when all 200 guests posed for a picture…together.
Alana did her Mitzvah Project to benefit the Lev LaLev Fund. The name means “heart to heart” and this special organization serves orphaned girls at the Rubin Zeffren Childrens’ Home in Netanya Israel. Alana set up a Lev LaLev fundraiser for a girl named Mazal. The money raised went towards the extras for Mazal’s Bat Mitzvah —- hair, makeup, a new dress, photos, and visit to the Kotel, or Western Wall. The Artistic Academy, a local cosmetology school, agreed to sponsor her “Day of Beauty” this past spring. Alana raised a significant amount of money that helped with Mazal’s Bat Mitzvah and the orphanage. To read more about Alana’s Bat Mitzvah project on Mitzvah Market click here.
This beautiful collage was displayed at Alana’s Bat Mitzvah service and reception and celebrates both Alana and Mazal reading “Mazel Tov Alana” and “Mazel Tov Mazal”
Alana and her friends enjoying their day of beauty to benefit Lev LaLev
Mitzvah Mom Lisa offers her Top 5 Tips:
1. Stay focused on the studying and the D’Var Torah (child’s explantion of the Torah portion) — the best the child can do is what you’re celebrating. 2. Enjoy the unlikely party planning team of Mom/Dad and your pre-teen. It’s a special year with so much time spent together. Listen to that one thing the kid really wants to have, even if it sounds crazy to you. 3. Stretch out the celebration with a Shabbat dinner on Friday night, a meal for hotel guests at some point, or a Sunday brunch after it’s all over. You’ll add in some real visiting time with guests and won’t feel like it all went by in a blink 4. Even if you use a party planner, try and add personal touches that are meaningful to your child or your family. That’s what people will remember. My mom reciting prayers in Yiddish, my father’s paintings for the cover of my kids’ service booklets, my nieces and sister-inlaws making b’sameem (spice) packets for Havdalah, my husband’s attempts to entertain during his speech– are now part of our family history.” 5. In retrospect, no matter what went wrong or right, “it’s all even better than good. It’s a memory for a lifetime.”
The following vendors helped to make Alana’s celebration special. If you give any of them a call, please let them know you read about their services on MitzvahMarket.com.
Venue: Meadow Wood Manor, 973-537-5454
Photographer: Mike Leta Photography, 973-625-1378
Videographer: Certner Video Editing, zachary.certner@gmail.com, 973-886-1869
Party Planner: Mom Lisa
Music Entertainment: MC, Brian Rosenbaum, The Entertainment Company, 973-598-1249
Décor: A Touch of Elegance, 973-584-8300
Montage: Brett Segelman, SegStudio Productions, 973-525-3955 bsegelman@gmail.com
Favors: Louie Max, 888-824-2674
Logo Design: Eliot Weinstein Designs, 212-799-7456
Candle lighting: Lisa Segelman, Lisa’s Lyrics, 973-214-1699, redshoeslzs@gmail.com
Cake: Karen Sheer, Catering by Karen, 201-580-0259
Invitation: Ruth Dkyman, Buy Invitation, 973-992-8880
Computer Calligraphy: Cindy Spiesbach, 973-992-0178
board: Christine Poplawski, 484-432-8225
Save the Date: iPhoto
Bat Mitzvah girl Alana’s 3 dresses: Princess Charming, 973-325-1419
Mom and Sister dresses: Nordstrom and Saks Fifth Avenue
Men’s Suits: Lord & Taylor