When you begin to plan your child’s Bar or Bat Mitzvah celebration, it’s helpful to sit down and come up with a budget. That usually begins with a list of the various Vendors you will need to make your celebration special. Something similar to the below:
Catering Hall/Venue
Photo favors
Photographer and Videographer
Clothes for family
Hair/Make Up
But what about all the other hidden costs you might not be thinking about? We sat down with some Mitzvah Moms who have already been through the planning process and they recommend that you remember to think about the following when planning your budget!
Lots of tipping – Many venues, entertainment companies and florists will provide you with a list of suggested tips for their staff. This is sometimes a surprise and not something you included in your budget.
Your favors – They are ordered and look great, but then you realize you want to present them in a bag of some type with tissue paper. This is an extra cost that can come up unexpectedly.
Labels/Waterbottles – Hopefully your children can make their own labels on the computer, but you might need to buy cases of water bottles so your guests won’t be thirsty on the ride home! Read more: DIY Water Bottle Labels
Place cards – If you are having calligraphy done for your place cards, don’t forget to factor in this added cost. Get inspired with these place card ideas.
Stamps/postage – After you approve the text and design of your invitation, your child might talk you into a matching customized stamp. To have a stamp that matches your invitation design or with your child’s initials or their photo, could cost double of what postage would be with a regular stamp. Read more: Tips For Custom Stamps
An additional photo session – Many photographers offer a casual portrait session. If you are a family of girls, the hair and make-up bill is something you might not have thought about.
Amenity baskets – This is usually not remembered until the end of your planning. You might want one for the catering hall bathroom and a basket to hold the yarmulkes at your Temple. Many Moms create these themselves, but you still need to buy the items and in some cases the basket and ribbon. Get a Bathroom Basket list.
Insurance – Especially if your child’s party is during the winter months, you might want to consider taking out some party insurance. Do you remember our archived story, Bari’s Bat Mitzvah Blizzard!
Thank you notes – These are sometimes ordered with the invitations, but it is an additional cost and don’t forget about the postage! Get a “thank you” note idea.
Socks – Many of the kids (especially the girls) remove their shoes shortly after arriving at the party. Many Moms buy socks in bulk to have handy for the kids to wear on the dance floor, but don’t be surprised if they are also grabbed by your adult female guests!
Bus Transportation – If your child’s celebration is immediately following your service or if the party is a distance away, you might want to provide bus transportation for the kids. You will need to plan ahead and include this information on your invitations.
Party Security – If your venue doesn’t include this service, you might want to consider hiring outside security so you can enjoy the party knowing that the young guests are being supervised.
End of night treat: Although most parties have terrific dessert buffets, many families choose to have a parting food treat as guests are leaving or a candy buffet with bags. Either way, you need to consider these costs in your budget. Get ideas about Mitzvah Exit Treats.
Limo/Car Service – Another last minute thought is to arrange for your immediate family to get to and from the party via limo or car service. This usually isn’t something that goes into your original budget 1-2 years before your planning begins.
Day after Brunch – Why not continue the celebration the day after with a brunch. Although it might only involve bagels and coffee, it does add up!
We hope you found the above information helpful. Now that we have put you into budget panic mode, you might want to read our archived story, Mitzvah-Nomics: Cost-Saving Tips!
Use this helpful form: Keeping Track of Your Costs.