Party favors and giveaways are always fun at a party, but if you want to give your guests something a little different, Eli Zabar, the Upper East Side gourmet epicurean emporium, has a unique way.
This 24 inch, 15-pound loaf is big enough to serve a crowd after services, at a Kiddush, or at your reception.
The delicious bread is made to impress. It has a mildly sour taste, a rustic texture, and a thick crust that helps keep the bread from drying out.
The price is $150.00 and they can FedEx it overnight for $22.50.
If there’s anything left after the party, cut it into chunks and freeze to eat it at another time
This 5 foot giant celebration challah is also available although not on their website, but is available by calling their catering department.
For more information, go to their Website or call them at 866-354-3547.