By Tara Silberg
It’s Tara, telling YOU what’s happening on the Bar/Bat Mitzvah circuit today.
Last time my “On The Circuit” was all about incorporating your talents into your party and today’s post is all about the candle lighting ceremony.
In the beginning of the month, I attended one of my good friend’s Bat Mitzvah. A little while after she entered, we all sat down for the candle lighting. To my surprise, there were only 3 candles, instead of 13.
She had decided to do a “Past, Present, and Future” candle lighting ceremony. The past candle was for her grandparents and those who had passed away. The present candle called up her family. The last candle, future, called upon all her current friends and those she would hope to get closer to.
The “Past, Present and Future” candle lighting ceremony only needs 3 candles
If you don’t like the thought of doing a traditional candle lighting, maybe you can incorporate this idea into your party with your own twist.
That’s all for this time. More to come on the circuit soon!
About Tara Silberg
I’m in 7th grade at Jericho Middle School and I love art. When I say art, I’m talking about photography, painting, and drawing. I also love music. When I feel stressed, I listen to my iPod to calm down. I will most likely attend between 60-70 Bar/Bat Mitzvahs before I finish 8th grade. I’m excited to be reporting from “The Bar/Bat Mitzvah Circuit” for Mitzvah Market.com.